EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR & Board of Directors

Executive Director
Sarah Travis

Ashkenaz Board of Directors
Chris Ullsperger, President
Francine Sosa-Lewis, Treasurer
Emily Earl, Secretary
Larry Chin
Hollie Hyslop
Kathy Reyes
Sue Sigler

Role of the Board
The role of the Ashkenaz Board of Directors is to provide governance, establish policy, work to bring in needed financial resources, and create the vision for the future of Ashkenaz.
* attend Board meetings on the fourth Monday evening of the month
* actively participate in at least one working Board committee, contributing their ideas, time and skills
* actively participate, in a variety of ways, in the work of Ashkenaz’s fundraising program
* attend Ashkenaz events
* advocate for and publicize Ashkenaz

Find Out About Becoming A Board Member
 The Ashkenaz Board of Directors is seeking committed, qualified community members with a passion for Ashkenaz to help build the future of Ashkenaz! The Ashkenaz Board of Directors serves the Ashkenaz community in accordance with the Ashkenaz mission, works for the well-being and growth of Ashkenaz, reflects the diversity of the community that uses it, and the broader community of which it is a part.

Skills and Experience
Some of the desirable (but not necessary) skills and qualifications are:

* Fundraising skills, including annual fund campaigns, proposal writing, special event planning
* Business and financial advisors
* Connections in the community that support outreach and fundraising efforts
* Nonprofit management experience
* Legal advisors
* Marketing and PR experience, graphic skills
* Supporter of David Nadel’s vision for Ashkenaz and the Ashkenaz mission statement
* Sound and lighting technical skills
* Computer and website technical skills
* A sense of humor!

Our Recruitment Process
If this sounds interesting, fulfilling, and enticing to you, you are encouraged to attend board meetings, and to volunteer in some capacity for two to three months. Dialogue with the Board about your thoughts, questions, and interest during this time. Provide a resume and conflict-of-interest disclosure statement to the Board. You may be invited to participate in a conversation with the Board about your directorship. The Board votes on a candidate’s directorship. New Board members will partner with a board “buddy” for ongoing orientation.

Thank you for your interest in supporting Ashkenaz’s mission!

ashkenaz advisory council

Diane Winter and Mitch Fine