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Aquarian Minyan Purim Party 2020

Doors at 6:00 pm / Megillah Reading at 6:45pm / Purimshpiel! "Shpielers in Wonderland" at 8:00 pm / Dance to the live and lively music of Achi's Boogie Band! at 9:00 pm

Tickets are $15 for Minyan & Sponsoring Organizations / $15 Advance / $20 Day of Show

Children under 18 & students with current ID (including college students) free.

The Grand and Glorious, Colorful and Clever, World-Famous and Infamously Worldly Aquarian Minyan Purim Extravaganza! There will be Megillah Reading! There will be PURIMSCHPIEL! There will be Hamantashin! There will be music! There will be movement! There will be JOY!

6:45pm - Megillah Reading

8pm - Purimshpiel! "Shpielers in Wonderland"

9pm - Dance to the live and lively music of Achi's Boogie Band!

The party. The people. The LEGEND! The Aquarian Minyan has been doing this for 45 years - we know a thing or two about Purim Parties!
