Doors at 7:00 pm; Event at 7:30 pm
Tickets are $20 workshop only/
$10 Milonga only/
$25 workshop and Milonga
At The Door: $20 workshop only/$15 Milonga only/$30 workshop and Milonga
7:30-9pm: Workshop with LorenaYGaston: Enhance your dance with deeper connection and musicality in the pauses and phrasing of different orchestras.
9pm-11:30pm: Milonga with traditional Argentine Tango music by DJ Ashvin
10pm: Dance performance by LorenaYGaston.
Lorena González Cattáneo and Gaston Camejo are originally from Uruguay.
Since 2006 Lorena Gonzalez devoted herself to several dance disciplines. Her strongest background is the fact that she worked in traditional multicultural tango places or "Casas de tango" in Uruguay, where the past and present of the tango from Montevideo mix and remain intact. Since 2012 she trained with many Tango masters in Buenos Aires and in 2014 wins the World Tango championship in Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Gaston Camejo danced with the National Folkloric Ballet of Uruguay. In 2013 he met Lorena and moves to Buenos Aires. Since 2015 they merged their artistic careers, something they have dreamed of since long ago and begin together to bring the tango around the world.They constantly strive to accomplish tango that does not just refer to its technical side, but that conveys artistic achievement beyond the movement.
See youtube:
This is a fragrance-free event;
no cell phone use permitted in the hall.
More info: Sonja Riket 415.661.1852
As part of the World Dance Hall program, Ashkenaz and award winning in house Tango Teacher Sonja Riket pair up to host the Tango Revelation Milonga, a social Argentine Tango dance gathering on the second (sometimes third) Sunday of the month. This Milonga series includes a dance class, dance performances and live music by local and international Tango guest artists. Argentine Tango was born in Buenos Aires, Argentina and Montevideo, Uruguay in the late 1880’s as a dance and music of immigrants. Grown into a worldwide phenomenon, it continues to cross the boundaries of race, culture, language and social status. It encourages the spontaneous inclusion of music and dance in our everyday life as a communal experience.
In 2017, this event evolves out of the “Tango Revolution” Milonga, which began in 2005 at Café Revolution in SF’s Mission District , then found a home at Café Trieste Downtown SF from 2007-2012 (with the Tango Revolution Orchestra) and at Berkeley’s Café Mediterraneum from 2012-2016. With a slight change of name to “Tango Revelation”, we continue to envision Argentine Tango as a relational matrix of connection to ourselves, each other and our world.
We offer the beautiful connection between human beings in the Tango Embrace as a common language and antidote against the isolation, separation and fearful existence we are led to believe is necessary. To complement our screen-oriented lives, we need to slow down, rediscover the joy of body-based expressions and create live gathering places among ourselves in a spirit of harmony and well-being! What better way to come home to ourselves and connect with each other across our differences than the non-verbal power of a music and dance embrace, listening and moving together as one? Come find out what Tango can reveal to you!
Ashkenaz is always all ages.
The café offers beer, wine and a vegetarian menu.