Doors at 7 pm; Event at 7:30 pm
Tickets are $20 Day of Show / $15 Advance
A special EQUINOX COMMUNITY HANDS ON HEALING CIRCLE with feminist healer, Vicki Noble, co-creator of the round Motherpeace cards and author of numerous books, including Shakti Woman (a handbook for women healers), and Carolyn Brandy, Drummer and Artistic Director of Women Drummers International.
The Hands On Healing Circle at Born To Drum this summer was amazing! So many women experienced healing and an alleviation of pain in their bodies. Come Join us on this Equinox to heal and to be healed.
Using a combination of voice, movement, drumming, and percussion, we will discover and move energy, individually and together, directing it as a force for healing toward the physical body, as well as the emotions, mind, and spirit. Within this framework of practical skills, we will practice the ancient shamanistic art of group ritual healing, wherein the laying-on of hands is performed on individuals by the collective of women.
This kind of intuitive and magical healing requires no initiation, no esoteric or elaborated forms, but asks only of each person that she learns to make herself available for the larger forces of healing to come through her. Individually or in partners, this sacred intention (the wish to alleviate suffering) is harnessed and directed for well-being. And collectively, when a group of women joins together in this desire to help, especially with the vibrational support of drumming and singing, the power is profound and oxytocin (the female “affiliative” hormone) is generated, lending itself to spontaneous healing of ailments and remission of dis-ease. This same power (what Vicki Noble has called “snake power”) can be directed toward the healing of families or community, and can even be utilized for helping transform and heal what’s happening on the planet.
Vicki has been a shamanic healer since the 1970s practicing hands-on healing (before Reiki, before Yoga certifications); she experienced a spontaneous psychic opening and kundalini awakening that led eventually to her deepening knowledge of yoga, shamanism, and Tibetan Buddhism. Besides individual bodywork and hands-on healing, she has developed a ritual group form of vibrational healing that integrates drumming, chanting, and hands-on work in a participatory format, in which those in the community who are struggling with life-threatening physical ailments can lie down in the center and receive healing from everyone present. And all those who participate as “healers” are themselves healed by the high-vibrational energies flowing through the circle.